Privacy Policy
This website (from now on it's shorted as "We") is conducted and kept updated with full information about Vietnam railways schedules. All information is free of charge unless you process any booking on our website and as we're acting as third party, service fees should be claimed.
If you see the information is not correct or out-of-date, please email us, we'll correct it as soon as we receive your feedback.
If you object to any information or requirement mentioned in this Agreement, please leave our website immediately. Your continue using is understood as your acceptance of our Privacy Agreement Policy and there'll be no dispute or controvery later on.
Privacy Policy
We always keep in mind that our clients' privacy is our privacy and try to protect it at the highest level.
If you only visit our website for searching and comparing the ticket price with other websites, no personal information is required.
If you book your tickets with us, we need your help to provide these information (can be updated later by email or phone call):
- Full name of all passengers as shown in passports
- Passport information and Date of birth
- Email address (for e-ticket sending later) & phone number for urgent contact (if any)
Use of Information
We then need to provide your personal information to third party that performs services such as Vietnam Railways and private train companies such as Sapaly, Fanxipan, Livitrans, King Express...which depends on your choice.
Your information may be also required for: (i) seeking your feedback regarding our relationship with you, (ii) investigating, preventing, or taking action regarding illegal activities, (iii) identifying of fraud or error, (iv) providing to third parties for the purpose of marketing and servicing our relationship, (v) protecting our rights and safety.
The third parties that we share the information take fully responsibility to protect your personal information and must only use it for the purpose for which it was collected.
Other than above mentioned, we will not disclose your information without your awareness and acceptance.
In case you book for others, you will need to make sure that each of them fully understands our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and allows you to disclose their information to us.
We reserves the rights to update or amend this Agreement anytime without prior notice. So, we recommend all passengers to check out our privacy before proceeding any booking with us and regularly visit it to ensure you will not be out-of-updated.
All information posting on this website are copyrights and trademarks owned by and NOT ALLOWED for any illegal purposes.
Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for more information on your privacy protected or contact us at and +84 966 857 598 if you have any request/concern during the booking process/visting.